“When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.”
By Alan Paton 
I think that the statement is really true i have been told this a lot and i do believe that it is better than to hate someone. Like the mom said hate and anger will just turn you into a bitter person and is not helpful to anybody. I think if you are able to forgive you will be lifting a huge weight off of yourself and the person who was forgiven. I think that hatred is a very bad and wrong thing that just lowers a person's character. But forgiveness is powerful and can change the lives of many people including yourself. You will be helping a lot of people and yourself find a better future and a better life. I think that if you forgive you will be helping others rebuild themselves into a better person and lead others into a different path. I also think if you are first to forgive you will be helping other victims do the same and feel better. For example if a friend broke your most valued possession accidentally you will be healing yourself and saving a friendship. This is all that i think about the statement and how I feel about it.
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