-Thomas S. Monson
I think that it is better to stand alone and if necessary I will take the Dare to stand alone because “tis better to be alone than with bad company”. I also think that people who are alone go farther because nobody is holding them back from what they can do. I also think that people who call these people loner or losers are idiots who have no idea how others feel. I think that being alone is way better than to be with bad people because those people will destroy you from the inside and out with their lies. Another way i feel about this is that people that have no idea of how to take the dare to be alone are scared. The people who are alone are the real brave and daring people because everyone else is with groups or gangs. I think that being alone is better than to be with others the reason i feel this way is because if you are alone you will be able to make better life decisions. Instead of caring what others say about you you will do what is right and i feel that those people are the actual cool people. This is how i feel about the statement by Thomas s. Monson’s statement and what i think about it.
“If it is not right do not do it” “If it is not true do not say it” -Marcus Aurelius I think that this statement is telling you not to do things you know are not right .Also to not spread rumors of what is not true or what never happened that is not right. If you do those kind of things you are not a good person and if you do wrong because it makes you feel good or gives you something that is even more wrong. You also can not spread lies and tell people thi...
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