“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition using steroids is cheating and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”
-George Mitchell
I think that the worst kind of person is a person who doesn't play fair because the person that doesn’t play fair is a bad guy who should never begin to play at all. For example a man trained all of his life to get to play a sport well but then a cheater who used something to enhance his abilities faster wins who gets hurt. Answer everyone because sooner or later the guilt will get you and then you will have to handle it it all your life or tell the truth and then you do everyone will think of you as a cheater and hurt your name and reputation. Furthermore i think that if a person plays unfair than that person holds no honor. Some people think that the are not doing anything wrong but you are doing many bad things. For example cheating, lying, and doing drugs all of these are some of the big things you are doing wrong this is what i think that cheating is and what i this statement makes me think.
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