“In life as in football, you won’t go far,
unless you know where the goals are.”
-Arnold H . Glasgow
I think that if you gave someone a goal then they will try to complete it but if someone has no goals then they will go nowhere. So i think that goals are important but i also think that if a person does not want to do anything then that person will not go far. I also think that if a person's goal are really dumb and dumb then that person will spend all their life doing something dumb. Also if a person has little education and manners than he will most likely never reach his goal. So i think that if a person makes a goal but does not take it seriously then there will be no point. I also think that a person that wants to be a bad person to others just because he has no goals then that person will do nothing but hurt himself and others these are the people stopping you from learning.this is what i think about the statement.
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