-Dean smith
I think that this statement is trying to say that if you do what is right then you will get good things. Because the coach said he was just doing what was right and then he got a legacy. I think that he is a good man who had done a lot of wonderful and incredible things. I think that if you just do what you think is right then a lot of good will happen to you i also think that if you do great things then you should be great. That is what i think about that statement that he gave us. But that is not all i also think that if the couch can do all these great things and still be a great man he is a very good person. I also think that if you want to be a legend than you got to be able to do what no one else can and still be able to choose the right things to do. Another thing about the the statement is that he says he was just doing what is right but he never bragged about it so he had to be an even bigger man not to want to bring attention. That is all i think about this statement that former coach smith gave us.
“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, is the true goal of education” -Dr. Martin luther king Jr. I think character is something you need to get a job or be well with the people around you. I also think without intelligence you will not be able to do some things that involve using your head. So i think both are important in life you need a lot of both to achieve a lot of things so i think that Dr. Martin Luther King was right to say those words. You need as much character as you need intelligence to do a lot of things. An example of not having a lot of intelligence but not a lot of character is a person who is always nice but can’t do some things like a lot of work. But being very intelligent but having little character is someone who is always doing work and doing good but never says anything nice. I think that being nice alone can’t get you very far but i also think th...
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