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“He shall walketh with the wise  shall be wise: but a companion of fool shall be destroyed”
                                                                                                                      -Proverbs 13:20
                     I think that the quote given by proverbs is true. Because if you are with people who do drugs and other bad things you will end up like them and that is bad. I think if you hang around good wise people you will learn from them. One more thing about the statement is that i think that it is telling you to keep away from danger because if you are with people who get into trouble with the law you will get into trouble too. This is a very good thing to do be around wise people to be wise like them if you are dumb and let yourself be pushed around you will get nowhere. But if you are with people who are smart and walk the right path you will follow. So if you are around people who are smart and wise you will be wise like them and that is good. That is what i think about this

Quote and what i think it means.


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