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Showing posts from November, 2016
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”                                                                            - Joseph B. william I think that kindness is good and all but just being kind is not enough to be great. You can be kind but still be a bad person in your heart. Not all kind people even get recognized for being kind. I think that the real reason that some people are being kind is to get something back there are very little people that are kind and just evil in real life like a serial killer can be nice to his victims but just really want to do something bad. So being kind is good but to truly b...
  Thanksgiving  Week One thing i did during the thanksgiving week was relaxing in my home and also many other things. I also went to the mall buy something for a friend for christmas. Another thing i did was i was reading something cool and it took up a lot of my time. Another thing i did during thanksgiving was i went to my uncle's house to celebrate. I met a lot of new people there and it was fun we talked a lot i also meet my cousin who that came from New Jersey. I also meet some of my aunt's family as well it was cool to talk to them they since came from a different country. I also ate,turkey,chicken,rice,bread, and other things for the thanksgiving meal. In the end it was fun and i liked going but then it ended and we went home. But then we went back because it was my aunt’s birthday and it was on a saturday. We did more things like barbeque and ate birthday cake. I had a lot of rest in my break and it was fun. I wish i can have another break because i had a lot of ...
“Manners Maketh Man” -William wykeham I think the statement is true because it tells me that the thing that maketh a person good is his or hers manners. And i think that this is true because when you are a kid your parents teach how to be good and when you grow up it makes who you are. Because if your parents taught how to be rude and disrespectful you will grow up a bad person that nobody likes. But i think that the reason the statement is true is because our grown up selves are like a new version of how we were when we were little and i think the reason why we grow up how we are is because our past. So i think that manners do make a man or woman because if you grow up with manners people will be think that your family are great respectful people. An example of what people will think of you if you are not a respectful person is that your past was bad and the people who raised you were bad. So i think it is best if you are respectful to everyone that is best for all....
                                     “If it is not right do not do it”                                                  “If it is not true do not say it” -Marcus Aurelius    I think that this statement is telling you not to do things you know are not right .Also to not spread rumors of what is not true or what never happened that is not right. If you do those kind of things you are not a good person and if you do wrong because it makes you feel good or gives you something that is even more wrong. You also can not spread lies and tell people thi...
                   THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is a day where you are with you family and friends and eat together. It was first celebrated because the pilgrims had their first successful harvest.   It was celebrated with three days of hunting, eating, and other entertainment. The first thanksgiving was in 1621 the indians killed 5 deer as a gift for the pilgrims. In 1789 president George washington announced the first national thanksgiving. But it did not become a national holiday until the 19th century. In the 19 century an american writer named Sara josepha hale had a campaign to make it national. She also made a lot of the recipes that we eat today. WHAT I AM GRATEFUL FOR: 1.FOOD 2.FAMILY 3.SHELTER 4.FRIENDS 5.SCHOOL 6.MY PERFECT EVERYTHING 7.A NICE NEIGHBORHOOD 8.BLUE SKYS 9. HAIR 10.CLOTHES 11.INTERNET 12.LIFE
           “Do what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing”                                                                                                                   -Chick  moorman                   I think that winning is fun and lo...
VETERANS DAY Veterans day a is a day where we remember the people who were fighting in the military. It takes place in November 11 and is a nationwide tradition and many people celebrate it. It is held honor the people in us military. It is important to show honor because it is the day to remember and to show respect to veterans. One way to show respect on veterans day is to say thank you to the veterans. Another way to show respect is to be happy and grateful to them for fighting. Also you can set flowers on the graves of the fallen soldiers and pray for them. You can also give money to charity to take care of the veterans. I think that veterans day is a good day and that it is cool to celebrate this day. I want to thank them.
              There are three magic keys to living your life with integrity: 1.Have the courage to say no. 2.Have the courage to face the truth 3.Do the right thing because it is right -W. Clement stone       I think that the keys that the statement is giving us is good because it is telling us to be  smart because the truth is that if you act like a fool all your life everyone will treat you like one. If you do something wrong and admit that it was wrong you will not do it again because you know it was wrong and did not lie to yourself but if you know it was wrong and think you did nothing bad then you will keep on doing bad. Also if you are a fool who gets controlled by more fools then you will end up in prison or worse. That is why you have have to learn to say no or else you will end up being in a bad situation. Also you have to do the right thing even if...
                      “The best recreation is to do good”                                                                                 -william penn            I think what william penn said is kind of untrue if he means people enjoy doing good for fun that is not this world today. It would be nice if people did good and have fun doing it but i don’t think that people like to good. I think people will do good for fun if they have a ...
“He shall walketh with the wise  shall be wise: but a companion of fool shall be destroyed”                                                                                                                       -Proverbs 13:20                      I think that the quote given by proverbs is tru...