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Showing posts from 2016
“When you tell one lie,it leads to Another” This is what Paul Hatch said i that i f you lie once you will keep on lying until everyone doesn't trust you. So i think it is bad to lie because it can hurt you and others it can also make you not trustworthy so i think that you should not lie. I also think that the main reason that people lie is to get out of something they did like something bad. So lying is just adding to the things you did wrong and it will make you a bad person. So i think he means one lie can make you lie more and more. I think you should always tell the truth even if the truth is bad and you don't want to. But sometimes telling the truth can do a lot of bad too it can get others into a lot of trouble. I think telling the truth is great but it can still be bad like what if the truth actually kills someone, but it is bad because you will live a life full of lies that's what i think
The story of the scorpion This story is from a man called patrick kearon the story starts in the arabian peninsula he was a boy with his family. The wanted to out for a walk and the his parents told him to put is shoes on but he did not listen and put his sandals on. He went for the walk and then he felt a sting in his foot he looked down to find a scorpion. The pain from the sting was rising and it started to hurt his entire leg. He screamed for help and his parents to help the ran and put him in the car. The nearest hospital was 2 hours away his leg was still hurting. When they got to the hospital the said he was going to be okay he learned a lesson.
“ Always do right” By Mark Twain I think that you should always choose to do the right thing because if you keep on doing good it will make the world a better place to live in. I think if the world had better people in it then we would not have to do things like kill or imprison people. So i think the better you are the better you make the world. Another thing that i think about people who do right is that they don’t ask for anything for doing good because they know it is the right thing to do. I think that the true meaning of doing right is to do good and expect nothing in return. I think that if we all just do good then less people will wrong. I also think that doing drugs and smoking are bad but i don’t care if they just keep it to themselves. One more thing that i think about the statement i that it is spreading good things on to the world. That is what i think about this statement and this is what i think the statement is trying to tell me. I know that i will never d...
“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.” I think that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company because when you are alone nobody will tell you what to do. So that means nobody will tell you to do something wrong like drink alcohol or do drugs. I also think when you are alone you are less likely to have bad friends like gang members or just bad students who hate school. I  also think that when you are alone everyone will think that you are strange and that will make truly nice people be your friends because they think you are lonely and by kindness they want to be your friend. Being alone is also not that bad it will be quiet and nobody will disturb you from doing your work. Also if you are alone then you will have more time to think and plan more of your future out and have a plan for later on in life. Another thing that happens when you are alone is you don’t get tempted into smoking or drinking by friends or other people. Moreover being alone is nice you c...
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”                                                                            - Joseph B. william I think that kindness is good and all but just being kind is not enough to be great. You can be kind but still be a bad person in your heart. Not all kind people even get recognized for being kind. I think that the real reason that some people are being kind is to get something back there are very little people that are kind and just evil in real life like a serial killer can be nice to his victims but just really want to do something bad. So being kind is good but to truly b...
  Thanksgiving  Week One thing i did during the thanksgiving week was relaxing in my home and also many other things. I also went to the mall buy something for a friend for christmas. Another thing i did was i was reading something cool and it took up a lot of my time. Another thing i did during thanksgiving was i went to my uncle's house to celebrate. I met a lot of new people there and it was fun we talked a lot i also meet my cousin who that came from New Jersey. I also meet some of my aunt's family as well it was cool to talk to them they since came from a different country. I also ate,turkey,chicken,rice,bread, and other things for the thanksgiving meal. In the end it was fun and i liked going but then it ended and we went home. But then we went back because it was my aunt’s birthday and it was on a saturday. We did more things like barbeque and ate birthday cake. I had a lot of rest in my break and it was fun. I wish i can have another break because i had a lot of ...
“Manners Maketh Man” -William wykeham I think the statement is true because it tells me that the thing that maketh a person good is his or hers manners. And i think that this is true because when you are a kid your parents teach how to be good and when you grow up it makes who you are. Because if your parents taught how to be rude and disrespectful you will grow up a bad person that nobody likes. But i think that the reason the statement is true is because our grown up selves are like a new version of how we were when we were little and i think the reason why we grow up how we are is because our past. So i think that manners do make a man or woman because if you grow up with manners people will be think that your family are great respectful people. An example of what people will think of you if you are not a respectful person is that your past was bad and the people who raised you were bad. So i think it is best if you are respectful to everyone that is best for all....
                                     “If it is not right do not do it”                                                  “If it is not true do not say it” -Marcus Aurelius    I think that this statement is telling you not to do things you know are not right .Also to not spread rumors of what is not true or what never happened that is not right. If you do those kind of things you are not a good person and if you do wrong because it makes you feel good or gives you something that is even more wrong. You also can not spread lies and tell people thi...
                   THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is a day where you are with you family and friends and eat together. It was first celebrated because the pilgrims had their first successful harvest.   It was celebrated with three days of hunting, eating, and other entertainment. The first thanksgiving was in 1621 the indians killed 5 deer as a gift for the pilgrims. In 1789 president George washington announced the first national thanksgiving. But it did not become a national holiday until the 19th century. In the 19 century an american writer named Sara josepha hale had a campaign to make it national. She also made a lot of the recipes that we eat today. WHAT I AM GRATEFUL FOR: 1.FOOD 2.FAMILY 3.SHELTER 4.FRIENDS 5.SCHOOL 6.MY PERFECT EVERYTHING 7.A NICE NEIGHBORHOOD 8.BLUE SKYS 9. HAIR 10.CLOTHES 11.INTERNET 12.LIFE
           “Do what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing”                                                                                                                   -Chick  moorman                   I think that winning is fun and lo...
VETERANS DAY Veterans day a is a day where we remember the people who were fighting in the military. It takes place in November 11 and is a nationwide tradition and many people celebrate it. It is held honor the people in us military. It is important to show honor because it is the day to remember and to show respect to veterans. One way to show respect on veterans day is to say thank you to the veterans. Another way to show respect is to be happy and grateful to them for fighting. Also you can set flowers on the graves of the fallen soldiers and pray for them. You can also give money to charity to take care of the veterans. I think that veterans day is a good day and that it is cool to celebrate this day. I want to thank them.
              There are three magic keys to living your life with integrity: 1.Have the courage to say no. 2.Have the courage to face the truth 3.Do the right thing because it is right -W. Clement stone       I think that the keys that the statement is giving us is good because it is telling us to be  smart because the truth is that if you act like a fool all your life everyone will treat you like one. If you do something wrong and admit that it was wrong you will not do it again because you know it was wrong and did not lie to yourself but if you know it was wrong and think you did nothing bad then you will keep on doing bad. Also if you are a fool who gets controlled by more fools then you will end up in prison or worse. That is why you have have to learn to say no or else you will end up being in a bad situation. Also you have to do the right thing even if...
                      “The best recreation is to do good”                                                                                 -william penn            I think what william penn said is kind of untrue if he means people enjoy doing good for fun that is not this world today. It would be nice if people did good and have fun doing it but i don’t think that people like to good. I think people will do good for fun if they have a ...
“He shall walketh with the wise  shall be wise: but a companion of fool shall be destroyed”                                                                                                                       -Proverbs 13:20                      I think that the quote given by proverbs is tru...
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; And wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it -william penn     I think that right is right and wrong is wrong but i don’t think that is always true. Because what if you had to choose between what is right and what is the right thing to do. For example what if you see a starving person in the road and you can give him money. But the money was given to you to buy groceries and now you have less money so you can’t buy what they asked you for. That is what i mean when you do wrong to do something right. You will feel good about yourself afterwards and you'll be known as a kind person. So doing the wrong is sometimes the right thing to do.(In some cases)
  “Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want most for           What you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often” -Peter Vidmar What i think about this post is that it is true if you really want something you won't let it go so easily i think that is true. But another thing i that i know is that whatever you really want in life is earned by working hard. So if you don't work hard to complete your goal you won't complete it and that is what i think this quote is trying to tell us. But that is not all i also think that to really do something you think is impossible for you you have to think about doing it for long time. if you keep in mind what you want to do then you will get to it closer by the day. Something else that i have been thinking about is that if you really want to achieve a goal you have to make it something you really want or else you won't work hard to get it. Also you ...
HOMECOMING A homecoming is a high school or a college game, dance, or any event which alumni are invited to. Homecoming is a tradition where you welcome back former students and where you celebrate a school's existence. The tradition of homecoming origins has been held at colleges and universities since the 19th century. Some schools have parade to celebrate homecoming the might create floats and other kinds of stuff. In some cases some former students come and talk of do other stuff like join them to do activities. There are a lot of stuff that you can do in homecoming and that is why it is so fun. The reason it is called the homecoming game is because there is a big game that takes place at homecoming. I think home coming is cool but i'm the kind of person who just likes to stay at home.
 STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT   “A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”                                                                                                                           -Coach krzyzewski I don’t know what is better 100 wins or a good name but i guess that a good name is better. But i think it is good name is bet...
“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the courage to be a light for others to follow”       by. Thomas s. Monson I think this one is one of the best ones i have seen till now it shines with truth because there are so many easy things one can do wrong  but a true good person always chooses the right. If you do good alot the people will follow your footsteps and do the same to become a good person because everyone wants to be good they just don’t want to because no one is good to them. But if you show them how and what a good person does they will try to do the same dut if you act wrong and not be a good person they will not see any change and do the same. The world is full of people bad and good many be bad for power, money, fame ,and for pleasure but this world has no room for those who bring war and try to destroy it because the ki...
“Getting setting is goal getting” Mark Victor hansen                              What i think it means is that if you set your goal you will be able to complete the goal. So if you don,t get a goal you will not be able to Achieve any goals so. i think that the real thing he is trying to tell you is that if you will not set any goals for yourself you can’t achieve any goals. So i think if you set a goal for yourself you might be able to achieve it. Something more i think he is saying is that if you set up a bunch of goals you will atleast be able to complete one of them.that is what i think he is trying to tell you whith this statement.
   DAVID BUSTILLO COLUMBUS DAY Christopher Columbus is the man the first man to set foot in north America but not really. They call him the man that discovered america but there were already natives in the land. He was born in October,31,1451 and died May,20,1506 born in Italy and died in spain. Many historians say that he was not even the first european that came to the land. I think that it is true that he did not discover America I think he just came in and took America. But i still think that he was a good explorer and still can say he was the reason that america was made to what it is today.
" we learn by doing"` What i thing this wonderful statement means is that if you keep on practicing something you will be able to do it well. I also think that if you do it well you will do it right you will be able to do it better than even you thoght you could have done it. So it is true that we learn by doing i still don't think that we all learn the same. There are mor ways than one way of learning like visual learners. But it is true that we all learn by doing i thing we all learn better in different ways. But i still think that is just me many people learn in so many different ways.
Emergency Medical Technician The Emergency Medical Technicians or (EMT) are people who provide care in an emergency medical situation. They have to learn how how to work under stress. They also need to learn how to handle bodily fluids. Salary:$31,980 Education: They must train in approved training programs. Most states utilize the exams proctored by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) DEMAND: THE DEMAND IS HIGH FOR THE EMT.
       EAR NOSE THROAT                  DOCTOR The ear nose throat doctor does alot of stuff for the well ear,nose, and throat. Another thing you can call this doctor is the Otolaryngologist that is what you can call them. That is the they also see if you have a disease in your ears, nose, sinuses, larynx, mouth throat. SALARY: $369,790 EDUCATION: 4 years of college 4 years if medical school 3 years of Otolaryngologist residency. DEMAND: GREAT DEMAND