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Showing posts from October, 2016
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; And wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it -william penn     I think that right is right and wrong is wrong but i don’t think that is always true. Because what if you had to choose between what is right and what is the right thing to do. For example what if you see a starving person in the road and you can give him money. But the money was given to you to buy groceries and now you have less money so you can’t buy what they asked you for. That is what i mean when you do wrong to do something right. You will feel good about yourself afterwards and you'll be known as a kind person. So doing the wrong is sometimes the right thing to do.(In some cases)
  “Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want most for           What you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often” -Peter Vidmar What i think about this post is that it is true if you really want something you won't let it go so easily i think that is true. But another thing i that i know is that whatever you really want in life is earned by working hard. So if you don't work hard to complete your goal you won't complete it and that is what i think this quote is trying to tell us. But that is not all i also think that to really do something you think is impossible for you you have to think about doing it for long time. if you keep in mind what you want to do then you will get to it closer by the day. Something else that i have been thinking about is that if you really want to achieve a goal you have to make it something you really want or else you won't work hard to get it. Also you are the person that has to get there you do
HOMECOMING A homecoming is a high school or a college game, dance, or any event which alumni are invited to. Homecoming is a tradition where you welcome back former students and where you celebrate a school's existence. The tradition of homecoming origins has been held at colleges and universities since the 19th century. Some schools have parade to celebrate homecoming the might create floats and other kinds of stuff. In some cases some former students come and talk of do other stuff like join them to do activities. There are a lot of stuff that you can do in homecoming and that is why it is so fun. The reason it is called the homecoming game is because there is a big game that takes place at homecoming. I think home coming is cool but i'm the kind of person who just likes to stay at home.
 STUDENT SUCCESS STATEMENT   “A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”                                                                                                                           -Coach krzyzewski I don’t know what is better 100 wins or a good name but i guess that a good name is better. But i think it is good name is better because 1000 wins is nothing if you have a bad name. If you have a bad name and you get a goal completed people will think that you cheated. So no one will care they will just say that you are a bad person who did not even do it. But if you have a good name and you show that you are a trustworthy person they will think wow he did it he completed the goal. So i thein 1000 or even 2000 is nothing if you are a person with a bad name. So i think it is true that is better to have a better name than to have a goal completed. Another thing about having a good name is that if you go anywhere and the people there think yo
“If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the courage to be a light for others to follow”       by. Thomas s. Monson I think this one is one of the best ones i have seen till now it shines with truth because there are so many easy things one can do wrong  but a true good person always chooses the right. If you do good alot the people will follow your footsteps and do the same to become a good person because everyone wants to be good they just don’t want to because no one is good to them. But if you show them how and what a good person does they will try to do the same dut if you act wrong and not be a good person they will not see any change and do the same. The world is full of people bad and good many be bad for power, money, fame ,and for pleasure but this world has no room for those who bring war and try to destroy it because the kind of people who start terror. But
“Getting setting is goal getting” Mark Victor hansen                              What i think it means is that if you set your goal you will be able to complete the goal. So if you don,t get a goal you will not be able to Achieve any goals so. i think that the real thing he is trying to tell you is that if you will not set any goals for yourself you can’t achieve any goals. So i think if you set a goal for yourself you might be able to achieve it. Something more i think he is saying is that if you set up a bunch of goals you will atleast be able to complete one of them.that is what i think he is trying to tell you whith this statement.
   DAVID BUSTILLO COLUMBUS DAY Christopher Columbus is the man the first man to set foot in north America but not really. They call him the man that discovered america but there were already natives in the land. He was born in October,31,1451 and died May,20,1506 born in Italy and died in spain. Many historians say that he was not even the first european that came to the land. I think that it is true that he did not discover America I think he just came in and took America. But i still think that he was a good explorer and still can say he was the reason that america was made to what it is today.